


Enterprise LOGO (logo) creative description: 

LOGOLOGO is designed with four long strips of trapezoids and green ginkgo leaves. Centered on ginkgo leaves, the four trapezoids are tightly wrapped. The overall visual sense of central symmetry is harmonious. “GPRI” is the English abbreviation of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Research Institute Co., Ltd., which makes LOGO obvious and clear. 

Creative interpretation: 

The core design element is green heart-shaped ginkgo leaf. Ginkgo biloba has extremely tenacious vitality. It is called “the messenger of hope”. The green heart shape is a symbol of life and health, which means that all research in our country is centered on human life and health. Hard work and hard hope for health. 

The four trapezoids are surrounded by a circular ring structure, which is interlocked and not closed. It symbolizes rigorous scientific research style, inclusive academic spirit, cooperative R&D team and harmonious corporate culture. The trapezoid in the upper left corner uses the parallel line design of orange gradient, which is different from the other three trapezoids. It is full of vitality and speed, which means that I dare to explore, be brave in innovation, pursue efficiency, and keep moving forward. 

On the whole, the four trapezoids are surrounded by green heart-shaped ginkgo leaves, which means that Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Research Institute Co., Ltd., which is centered on human life and health, carries responsibility in the field of medical research, tenacious struggle, and rigorous research style. Inclusive academic spirit, cooperative R&D team, harmonious corporate culture, dare to explore, be brave in innovation, pursue efficiency, and keep moving forward. 

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