

Beagle sales

To provide high quality breeds for Beagle breeders

The Beagle breed comes from the United States, with clear background, clear pedigree and stable genetic quality. It is the only unit in China that has the qualification to breed experimental Beagle dogs, with an annual production of more than 200 dogs, which can provide high-quality experimental Beagle breeds for domestic breeding institutions.

To provide high quality standard dogs for drug research and development institutions

It has formed a set of standardized and standardized experimental Beagle breeding technology system, epidemic prevention system and quality control system, with an annual output of 1500-2000 experimental Beagle dogs, and has provided nearly 30000 high-quality experimental dogs for domestic and foreign users for many years.

Beagle dogs for higher education

We provide thousands of teaching dogs for colleges and universities, and guarantee the quality and safety of all teaching dogs. During the service period, there are no infectious diseases, zoonoses and other quality and safety problems, ensuring the health and safety of teachers and students.

Provide technical service and disease model dogs for scientific research institutes

Available in Beagle dogs for laboratory animal technical service (medicine, vaccine effect test, etc.) and high blood pressure, hyperplasia of prostate disease model, has successively for lanzhou veterinary research institute, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, guangzhou institute of respiratory disease, Harbin veterinary research institute, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, Shanghai institute of materia medica, Shanghai family planning institute and other scientific research institutes to provide technical services.

Provide quarantine dogs for entry and exit ports

It is the first Beagle quarantine dog training center in China, which can provide quarantine Beagle dogs with strong obedience and high detection rate for ports and customs. Over the years, the center has exported more than 50 quarantine dogs to various entry and exit ports in five provinces, and intercepted tens of thousands of batches of prohibited goods, playing an important role in safeguarding the safety of the country.


Sales manager:Mr.Zhou



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